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    l d ^ J ^ , . aaitaK..flMPwmr.-te. refund .-to purchaser Principal o f f i r s t two installments.......... t2% ta§.§§ Assessment for public Improvements paid by purchaser*.......... Cross refund....... 7 lffiIt .12^,861.77 .relfflburfie land § la te r Company fo r Heal Estate Commission............ 13,776.62 T n «8 du. and unpaid,. . . . . . . . . S S iv P « 4.680.90 le t refund to be paid by land and la te r Company to purchaser. • ............ 131,300.87 be, and the same i s hereby, r a t ifie d , approved and confirmed. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, i t was, by unanimous vote, RESOLVEDi That the action o f the President and Secre­tary in executing and d eliverin g deed, dated larch 9, 1938, from th is Company to Daniel Smith and Emma Smith, covering a l l that certain parcel o f land situate in the City o f Fullerton, County o f Orange, State o f C aliforn ia, more p a rticu la rly described as follow s: Commencing at a point 634.5 fe e t south o f the northeast com er o f the 1.1. | o f the S .I. k o f Section 33, T. 3 3., R. 10 W., 8.B.B.&M., running thence south 207 fe e t; thenoe west to the h a lf section lin e o f said Section 33; thence north 207 fe e t, and thenoe east to the point o f beginning, and containing 6.38 acres, more or less ; Excepting and reserving therefrom, fo r roadway purposes, eith er public or p rivate, a strip o f land f i f t y (SO) fe e t wide o f f the east side and & s trip o f land th irty (30) fe e t wide o f f the vest side o f the premises above described, said parcel having been sold to Daniel Smith under Contract dated June 12, 1923, fo r consideration o f 123,500.00, 18,000.00 being paid on d eliv ery o f contract, balance, or 118,500.00 to be divided In four equal annual Installments o f 94,635.00 each, with In terest a t the rate o f per annum upon a ll deferred payments, be, and the same i s - 6 -