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    1934 to remain in tall fore* and effect* m m i $ m that % m »«tio» of vice-president inlekerboeker in consenting to sublease agreement i®#ti Hirsh 81, 19-66, between K. 6* El«teii and 8#rt ?«a halter*, for tern &p**il 1# 19*56 to Oetober 31, lft$9, covering certain portion of Union MM&f&ft industrial Traet Mo* 4, Saet Lo# usgeiee, U«ilfoml«.# under lees* to Mr* Bteimr&o from the Uind # inter 6eap«ny, upon enaditlen that Mr* Hlehard# shall not &§ relieved of 0 9 of tta# torn* and conditions set forth in agreement between M « out thin ehttpengr dated *5i*n« XI, 1964 g M amendments there to; end B K m V U I S I » * that the notion of Vlce-l resident SnickenbaekeF in consenting to sublease agreement dated March it, -1966, beteeen II, I’, diehard* and. John Van P,ui ten, for tern imrob Sd# 1966 to July 16, 1066, covering certain portion of union peel fie Industrial .Tract Mo* 6, Snct Met* Angeles, California, wsder lease to Mr* Richard* free the Land # Meter company, upon condition that Mr* Hieharde shall not he relieved of of the terse end ©oiiditione eet forth in s^recment between feia end this m&m&my dated *?un# 11, 1934 end hereto, he, end the eeoe is hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed# On notion duly t#*?md#d( it inis M $ W i f W , that the eetton of fiee»MreeideiKt fniefeeriseeker in accepting fmMdLeeexy Mjjlh dated |*es Angelee, Oallferni*, April 14th, I960, £m m #* E* Ptiectd, Inn*, rending ns followst *ahf Valuable fontIteration, the undersigned, i* .1 * ttmo, ino*, done hereby pvmsXm the order of kae Vegne lend and fa ter to pay to (hereinafter referred to §i the hand o oupany), the m m of four Thoueand Vellore w i sixteen cents.