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trust Seed in f a v o r of tbs hand t m M Water Seapeny to eover note a? $&v960«f& representing k & X M i m , to fee paid *t ret# o f $39*00 p m uonth, ineXudiag interest el ret# o f §0 p a r uniat#, end vitfc option to m y entire fealnnee A m at m a y tin#, seeept-aaee of vhleh proposal was sutherleed in Sr. ffttlslter’s telegvae 4*76, listed OsMbe, dun# 10, 1939. thereupon. on untie** duly sseonded, It we# that the notion of the President end Assist* ant Beeretery in eseeutistg; sod delivering Corpora tloa Orant Seed* dated June i&, 1939, frau tMt ©ompaay t o 1* p* Canning end lute banning, severing sale of bouse end lot Ideated at i 4 i ? s o u t h 7 t h s t r e e t * AXh a s e h e *, f l a i l f e r u l a , n o r # p a r t l e u l a r l y deserifeed m o M X i m m mt. 176, freet no* 4704, us per t§ap reeerded in look CO. rag# 46 of Igpl® heeerds of doe ^nceles County, cslifomU. eon elders t ion J3,feu?.00. »itu §*wi payment of ii,000.06, taiaM# 111,000.00 eovsred fey Peed of Trust seedling payment of note in that asaeunt, to fee paid in installments o f 9$fe«<iX) monthly, ©o»* ssfietfeg' July 1% 3JfS$# fee, JtisS. the sea# Is hereby, ratified, approved and eenfiraed. O n motion duly seeonded, it worn B£$OhfS£, that m o t i o n o f flee President falolsrfeoeker - in sxeeutlrtg levee sgreesent* dated, Hay 16, 1939, fesf^een •tsis eifespszky its the aaeriesn Fruit prs«er# ineerporatied of Oaiifoivtla, for ter# o o m m m o % m § June 1* IfeM and extending to June 1, 1941» «»#rta| peeking house at 7th end fine Street#, fcivsrside, California, rental tlAQ.WI per month, ddfuihi# in