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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    sardie Addition* See ¥eg».«* I w ils * as | f l swap recorded la Saak 1, Pag# II Ilf flute, record# £ Clark County, itevada* sale price &260.00, tA ka pal# la tmsli delivery Of <lAA4, At* aai tte'AAM 1# kAVAkr* ratified, approved and confirmed. On motion duly seconded* it wan a i H & W , tt*t the action of the President la subscribing to IS Sonde, la amount #I§,000,0©, of I M i ©Aunty, Nevada* fewer Sistrict no* 1, 4$ lleetri® havakua Scad#* series of ISM* dated as tf June 1, 1916, afore­said M s belng nuabeved* a# follows! 140 to 344, Inclualve, June 1, It$& § W tA 174# inclusive, June 1, 1911 H P to 404, inclusive, June 1, ifftf #§§ to 4M, Inclusive, June 1, iftH 440 t# 464, Inclusive, 49© to 494* inclusive, .JTuunnee 11,, l1i9f6t6# tit to $M4, inclusive, June 1, It66 fee* and the same ie .herein, ratified, approved and con-rioted. On notion duly seconded, it was X S 9 Q L Y & 1 that the action of flee P m ® M m % XnlAfctyfeAAkAV la executing letter- agreement, dated Harsh ft# 199T# between this ooupway and itaiiiey A aaelsaas, tA cover the ftontlAhliig of labor and MMHNriU&t for erection of m ft, x ft ft, garage and constructIon of it ft, extension tA existing aaravatA p&atfAWi at pacing house owned by tilts coapftny, situated At 11CD *Mt first street* h m m m ® Its* California* for ehteh the Let ¥ak*a hand and