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I agree.consideration 3t* and tbs i«a » Is hereby, ratified., « 9pm v«i and confirmed* tm motion duly seconded, it was M»QWRB># HMt fit# « « U « i «# fle e Frssident Kaleierbooker in eweeuting 1sttssHegrssNMMkt, dated &sseaber it,. 1830,1 addressed to cyneh Con stroll an Company, t& mmw t 'm furnishing' # f labor sad a rte ria l and asking pertain alterations In warehouse, located at 8180 Bast ?tfc otreet, in* Angeles, G&ii ferula, now under 1 « m to furniture Manufacturer*1 Asa©#tg>tis», ! » « .» ©ansidemtiett $180.00, fee, and the sane is hereby, ratified , approved and oonftraed. On a o t ia duly eeesnded, i t was HE0GLVS3, that the notion of the Areeident and JM liftM t asorstsiy in ©recutlag and delivering dead, dated January 8, 183?, sonveylng to John Seville and Helen M. Seville, hi a wife, t it le to Lot* § and 6, H e e l id, fardie Addition to the City of Las Vegas, nevmda, as per nap reeorded in nooit 1* Peg# 13 of tints* dim * county, m lM price of SiSO.GG, t# Ini paid in o#sh upon delivery of deed, oa, and the w is herstar, ratified , approved and e©afir*ed, on notion duly m w m M i i t » f llHiOLViU, that the mtiom of fin# President Iniakarhootear in executing letts*-sg*SMMi*tt, dated Jistuaty §, 183?, with Gils Elevator Company for the furnishing of labor and material « H waking repairs to Otis dm*» type