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    1, No. 13 September 29, 1944 S , C o w i ^ T* "T" Ta A ^ I r-i m m ...1^ J __ « . . w — The Cit1 a ' h " » — r» » w i w m i j »>io>h cwnsusttiT *anff 'STS'aUv program under the plans which have been formulated by the City Admin- +v, 5s J% pinch-hitting for City Manager Charles McCall outlined p r o g r a m for the members of the Chamber at tie meeting S e t Tuesday'’ i nc i udi " ana K i i from the government. w ---±--- W , wiiVA vu o iO U O A 'a i No strings are attached to the grant New police and jail facilities are scheduled for the near future at an p « timated cost of #1 1 2 ,000. Uncle Sam has agreed to foot pa^t of t S s b i S Too and will spend about >19,000. The famous "Blue Room'* of the present iail is des tined to become past history and this is good news for eyeryboS. ,Jjj 1 0f the streetsi alleys, and sidewalks will continue and the is being paid out of current city funds, which makes assessments Unnecessary. lation^at^the'nevt^ the,help of t!le Nevada League of Cities, will present legis-lltinVvr* a «2?£55?K^S5?^ . . — a v/IlaS6 OX unaer the present laws are not possTBleT— ........ ...-— IQClxlui GS WxllCll m m T *9 plai1f < * M °ity and the Chamber of Commerce tie in very closelv and full cooperation between these two will accomplish many good things for J r town. * * * * * * * * H i s t o ^ " T ^ ^ r " ®hamJer®er of Carson City Will give a review of the ?aS.b®en Presented to many organizations up north, and ^ d u° ?e extremel3r interesting» Many of us know too little about our state, so we welcome this opportunity to become better informed. * * * * * * * * n r n u d ^ ^ T ^ ^ ’ ? nor7 have a total membership of five hundred. We are mighty other ernes* after a few comparisons with rb h ' . * 0ne c*by in California which has a population of 80,000, and a +h J x an excellent reputation for getting things done, has a membership in t h r c h u a b S 1 Za^ ° V f 5G? ’ ^ ° ther city with 100,000 people has 750 members in all beLproud o^thlfre'cord3. ’ Pe° P l9 ^ ^ haS 500 merabe^ . caa * * * * * * * * .OVSRgEAS CHRISTMAS GIFT PACKAGES must be mailed before October 15th iSbsi "t? 8 thr flTC pounds y^en wrapped, cannot measure more than fifteen ° » s s l y ^ E « i ' sna °ann0t me?sure mol'e ttan thirty-six inches in length and girth ;f'.y2’t b ? a d raP E N P f l M U M box - do not use a shoe box! Be Gift "Package!.. MAIL H m A K and C0“plete- “ark package "Christmas !X>sri' ******** M DIRECTQRSt The regular monthly meeting of the Board will be held Monday, October Snd, Council Room, City Hall, at 7:30 p.m. PleaX be there! * * * * * * * * ^ Ll0nS Club has comPleted plans for sending question- ^you rint/en°d,/ oc retuEr'ne ng a nCdl War°mke nC oufnrtQmy Calfatrelrf Ctohuen twya,r ?"a ski"nDga ysouuc h waqnute styioounrs olasd, i"obD o aeic, or do vou prexer seme new job?** ;:If so. what would you like to do?» The pur­pose is to dev.err.ane how man-- nun and .women will seek employment in th*l c-mmnrn^ r th®n lb ia:the :iob of # community to preside them. Announcements will be made YOUR NULL S p B o S " n ininS ^ pr°8rani* 111118 is a splendid project so PLEASE GIVE IT