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Los Angeles - Apadl 17, I960 Mr. Mm. Reinhardtj (oos Mr. Calvin M. Cory *» Las Terms) ^ Mr. A.M. Folger - * * Last Friday I attended a meeting In Las Vegas, attended by Mayor Cragln, Mr. Canon, City Attorney, Mr. Folger, Mr. Cory and myself, to disease the lavs relating to the waste of vat©r, outline of uhieh 1 sent you with iay letter of March It seems to be the consensus of opinion that the existing lavs are sufficient if they are properly enforced and the Mayor made the customary statement that they did not have sufficient police officer© to enforce these water lavs nor did they have the money to hire new ones. Mr. Folger stated he had authority to reimburse the City for two special officers to be put on duty sometime in May. The restrictive sprinkling ordinance set out on the third page of my letter of March 31st was discussed, Borne question was raised as to the hours now contained in that ordinance which the City Attorney advised me Is still la effect* and it was suggested that sprinkling be prohibited betveea the hours of 9 AM and 6 PM and between the hours of 12 midnight and 6 AM. Mr. Folger is to ©heck his records to see if those hour© would be of the most benefit to the Mater Company and if so, the Mayor has agreed to request the City Attorney to prepare such an ordinance to be effective of Jam during the period let to September 15th of each year, It was also suggested that a short time prior to the effective date of this ordinance, an advertisement be Inserted in the Lae Vega© paper, signed by the Mayor and Chief of Felloe, briefly drawing the attention of the cltisens to the various restrictive ordinances relating to the waste of water. The Mayor stated that would be satisfactory to him if the City not have to pay for the advertising. Mr. Folger will write you with respect to securing authority to pay for such an ad. The City Attorney did not favor as ordinance authorising the Mayor or Chief of Felloe to fix or change the hours for- the use of water as suggested on the third page of my letter of March 31st, the Mayor intimating that such an ordinance would be “too hot8 for M i to handle and he suggested that the Chief of Police might feel the same way about it. £. Bennett