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    4 o PACIFIC’S SLICE AMOUNTS TO $272,000 BY BO AR D ’S EDICT J. Warren Woodard Casts Deciding Vote in Favor of Reduction Today. s. P. C U T ~ l7 m i l l i o n Plea of Railroads For a 35 Million Cut Is Not Considered. CARSOX CITY, Sept. 25. (Special).—By the narrow mar­gin of a four to three vote, Ne-vadas three transcontinental railroad systems were victorious in their battle for a reductoin of taxes within the state, when the Qtot o , l a x V 912,340 fromm^ i s ^thwe ,.1 »PvaPl<u^a t$io1n,- placed on the three lines by, the assessors in the various couiities f a" d approved by the state board | ot equalization. _ When the question of a rediic-tion was first brought before the pommission last week, a tie vote re-sulted. At yesterday’s session, J. Warren Woodard of Las Veens .appointed to fill the vacancy c S Ml by the resignation of W E , Hawkins,, cast the deciding vote l| i| fou g h t partial relief to the taxes dS m thelr battIe for lower th e^ 'p VALUvAaTs IOcNut of$ 1t,h30e3 ,S5o9u0,- 75n W m w .I ? acific reduced $336,- f i f e £brda nthcht LoSf S thAen gUeIneiso na nPda cSiafilct , slashed $272,000. ® IwgaBs BmBadBe fbtyl tHT° e’CnUrty t hRei vveasl,u asteicornes-tary of the Nevada Mine Opera-I eeddr bhyv aRR ifv°eCsl aGn bonv’e rannodr wFa. sB .s uBPaPlzoarrt- £ har,Ies ,Fulst°ne of Minden, arid H « l ppposing the motion were Commissioners J. F. Shaueh-neseey W c. Pitt^of Lovelock and ir ; A- Riordan of Ely. ? previous to that action, a motion I * j allow the Valuations to stand as adopted by - the | commission last ffoouurr ’ rto StVhr0etee dw di<t5hw nt hbey am vemotbee rosf MIII lining up as 0„ the f 3naI S . " 8 M the railroad companies original- I D00nennUested A / eduction of $35,- / a l l W o f ™ * of valuation] tv S Umo”, Pacific in Clark Coun- M m jm ® ade over the protest o fitte j the board of county commissioners J and assessor, who telegraphed the! tax commission-urging that no: re-1 (Continued on page three)