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I agree.Las Vegas, Hevada, Sept* 26, 1930 PERSONAL Subject? Appointment o f Member on Sax Commission * Mr* P* H* K nickerbocker, General Manager, Los A n geles, C a lif* Lear S ir : Pursuant to my le t t e r to you under date o f September 11, in referen ce to appointment o f member fo r Tax Commission Board: I herew ith atta ch co p ie s o f w ires sent to Governor B a lza r, September 2 1 , and Woodard*s appointment was made by w ire and telephone on the 8£nd* The en closed c lip p in g w i l l give you an a c c o u n t o f what wag done a t th e ir m eeting on the 23rd, and I think Woodard did as much fo r our in te r e s ts as anybody e ls e w# cou ld have appelated* I was very much su rp rised a t the two negative v o te s , as I always thought them secu rely on our side* Yours very tr u ly . Enel* 2 V ies-P resid en t & Agent*