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upr000133 97


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    tmTsmwmismm Property Stateneat Las Vegas Land ft Water Company 1924. AREA i&SCRIPTIOK $&rZL (ex deed reeorded in Bk 4, Pg 1?4 Deeds Hg|. Ifii (ex Iff H9f thereof as per Deed reeorded in Bk 3, Pg 3*5» Dieds) That portion of keg at HE cor SJ§f; th 1 alg. 1 line p f 340 ft; th S 417.4 ft; th W 417.4 ft; th U 417.4 ft I th 1 to intersection of H. line Stf with S line of R.R. R/8, being 33^4 ft diet. Iron center of Sec; th SWly alg ed E R/Sf line to pt in i line 3£f diet. 700.6 ft S from W Cor SS-f-; th S alg H U S center line cf See 840.4 ft; th S 27** 45* 9 to SI cor Cleric*e Lae Vegaa Town-site; th SEly alg K£ly line of Townaite 80 ft; th fi 27° 45* £ 200 ft; th 3 62° 15* £ 520 ft; th a 27® 45* K 280 ft; th 3 62° 15* S 240 ft; th h 27® 45* 8 480 ft; th H 54® It* I 447.2 ft; th 5 62° 15* 1 860 ft; th 3 28® 13* 9 to 3 line of 3ec; th % to SB cor Sec; th N to beg (ex 0*5 ace. in site for septic tank of Las Vegas City fif (ex R/tf ft townsite end deed recorded in Bk 3* PS 84* of Deeds) SB cor (ex R/fc) LAS VKCAS SCHOOL DISTRICT: SBf % 6Wf SWf f&|- & TIP. ImWnu.mwiW ACRES 26 20 61 257 9420 26 20 61 80) 26 20 61 40) ) 150) 13500 26 20 61 27 20 61 139.2) )) 34 20 61 109.4) ) 6640 33 20 61 17.0) 25 20 61 160 ) 25 20 61 80 | 4200 25 20 61 40 ) 250 WiM