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    T© T10L& SUMS, City Clerk and Kr-offiei© License Collector of the City of Las yagas, Clark County, Sevada$ HOSS eOMB&HY beads you the ssai ©f #300*00 for lieeas© for water e&ssp&ay, and the m m of $40*00 for license for lodging house, for the last of the year 1033$ feat said wtmmt® ere paid to you under and so as to avoid the penalty prescribed by Section 10 of Or­dinance So. 34$| the grenade of said protest are as follows; (II That said Ordinance Ho. 34$ Is uaeoaehl tatioaal a n d f o l d I (3| That said Ordinance Is diserlmtnatory insofar' as the business of this proteetaat is ©eseerasd; fit That the rates of said lieenee fees are ereessire (4} That said Ordtaaae© He* 343 was not enacted ia accordance with the provisions of the Statutes under which, the City of Las fegas was created and derives its powers; (5) That said Ordinance is ia conflict with other annoted by the State of levadas That the revenues by the ©olleotioa ©f the license fees yreeeribed la said Grdiaanee are far ia emeess of the ©mounts aeeeesery for the ©©adast- of the City*s business and ia excess of the aasmat meeesesry- for^the City' to extend ia the business of this !????) / s & j } / - W a l t e r H . /5 & y / y I Q E A 3 U R M