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    Auditor* Qertifi~ •took' <.H§<«*» "*-*i?&* oTrfa nsstofcekr* | SSiut* nAteefafttls&*» OMehrraob vote and n tho a loo ti .* '!- III-' I 8 Of h iI OfffOft# Ha sh all also nerfots* suoh other du* t U « 3m shall to© assigned to hi® by tit# President# ,hM., « Shall glee bond with proper surety fo r '|ll||. asouith j| p !f «&y bo approved by the President# .for the fa lth fu lijm *- foraaaoe o f bio &uiis»* ' obargeS#e estuipoenr v6*i siTohne anAdud ciotnori ro©Llh oXfI abairlo thtob o acicooauondtis% to*f 1 ! tlhoeg. Cmoislp#aaa ya#o dh raedg uslhaatlil onesn faotr cper oasncdr ioabieatda if.irlo:u t btein sse atcou-& 't? *.'•' I .tAisnssi*s taHnat Tsrheaalls urreerq#u iraen dr efproornt\s# lflr oofmf itch#e-rfsr aaansdt iargaoru-toir 1 aocfc otuhnot O* osattp asnyu chw htoi mreec emiavde ioar sdniobs bufrosrea afsu nhdes mfoyr dIt»## » ||| atdhve isOaobslgea*n ys1 ah oaooionogu aatl l* sraedoe hlap tes haalnld hd&ivssb u- trfsces mceunstst odfoyr I o jf ,'s.awlel hv poiosobhuorrsae*o ednrtaaft • s? * Hoi.n tvooi acuetsh oarn!d rootd ht®or:' eavpipdreonvcee' foorfi | payment# a l l vomhers#, pay-roll#* drafts or other so* ? j counts whoa approved by tho Prsside&t or by such peifc,l ; sons i l l sh all IMP': designated by the President la w rit* '' lag* land .he m f doIsgate such authority by appoiatosht'* to w riting with tho approval o f tho Fresident* to one? or rare os#loyoo o f tho Account lo g ffe^drimsat.* ARTICLE M5l |||jf|f Regulations relating to tho issue of stook (JjJRf < j P g p | , ; o e r llfte a te s and the in a e le t of at oil* , ,. ;;v l*fe Chprtifioateo'-VrofreoOhting stock; Of-'; tho Coopany shall bo elgood by tho president or by a j vice-president and also hag tho secretary or an a so iei- | ant o«or©tar?* Unless j authorized b y . the. Board o f Ed- | feoteye no aw© c e r tific a te s shall be issued eroepfFhp- H?. Ion. surrender and cancellation o f on old o o rtiflo a t# ||p |ll ? fO f a lik e number o f shares* Section S* ? Ho tran sfer o f stock shall be va$td\' im and binding upon the-'Company unless entered upon liMfi'l' books ksff/l'for that purpose by the Secretary* l ^ p i ARTIULK H . . Section 1*|| The Colony sh all haws a seal which is shall beat upon i t s fans those wordst •Las Fogs# Land and Hater Company* Incorporated Hey Had# 1005. * n ed or, S-eroetpieoanl e0d* ..ait T ahneya-# ' abnyn-ulala wmse' aentyi nbgo o fal ttehree d'*i ^Oakmheonldd* w ?- or at any special costing oallod for: that purpose# §§| %y the holds to of la 'Majority of' the issued and out»^ |S, standing § I? of - .the Coa^any* or by w ritten omsont Ml'lt# such alteration# am nd^nt or repeal# signed hy-ths .;' . ^ holders. o f at least a majority o f ' the Issued ol?..t~» iutlon.# being duly seconded fey Hr* Barry# was put to c* . nsnissouoly adopted* ,1 Chat man the n announesd that the^snt beuinsss would bdr^ on o f . s i a dirtotors, o f the' ooi^oration# ic sot f o r the ^ ar*- Thereupon Hr* Halsto-d nominated the following persons