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    ~ / m 1 # 2. 3# JBGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF VEGAS LAID AND WATER COM PATHNEY -S TONCOKVHEOMLBDEERR S10 , 1924 of PresiEdleenctt,i oMnr #o fB rCahcakiernm anas o fVi mceee tPirnegs#i dentI nw ialbls,e nce if present, preside* the pollAsp,p oirnetcmeeinvte oafn d Itnaskpee catlolr btao llooptesn aanndd pcrlooxsiee s, oafn dv odteecrisd,e atlhle vqauleistdiiotnys oft outhceh ipnrgo xtihees qaunadl iaficccaetpitoannsc e or rejection of votes at meeting* desirinCgh atio rpmaarnt iwiclilp ataes ceinr tmaeient itnhgo,s e apnrde sreenqtu esatn d wahlil chho plrdoexrise so f wiplrlo xbiees detop ohsaintde d iwn itshu chI npsrpoexciteosr,, wahfot er will report stock represented at meeting* examinedI npsrpoexciteosr pwrilels enftuertdh earn dr efpoourntd wthheant hetro bhee hians rsehgaurelsa r off orcamp aitnadl dusltoyc ke xoefcu ttehde, csortpaotriantgi nounm bbeeri nogf present or represented# stock prDeescelnatr aatnidon rbeypr tehsee nCtheadi ratm amne eotfi nsgh#ares of capital meetingR ehealddin ogn ofNo mvienmubteers 12otfh ,a n1n9u2a3l# stockholders Eleotion of Directors (6) for the ensuing year; Nominate and ballot upon following: report Innusmpbeecrto ro f wislhla recso mopfu tes tvooctk eps retsaeknetn ainn d poefr saobno voe rp erresporness enftoerd d biyre pctroorxsy. cast for each electeDde ctol arsaetrivoen dbuyr iCnhga iernmsauni nogf yetahre. Directors Chairmianns pweicltli ond iorfec tt hSe ecsrteotcakrhoyl dtoe rpsr etsheen tr ecfoorr ds asnidn cper odcaeteed ionfg sla ostf atnhne uaBlo amrede otifn gD*irectors Order of Business WE#. RE## BCraalcvkienn F# H# Knickerbocker AC## SC## BHaarlrsyt,e d and A# Maguire