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I agree.My d ic tio n a ry , which is the la t e s t unabridged e d itio n o f the Standard, g iv e s as the d e fin it io n o f a h o te l: "A house fo r the entertainment o f tr a v e le r s and oth ers; p ro p erly distin gu ish ed from an inn by i t s superior s ty le and preten sion s” The d e fin it io n o f "Inn” , which is a small e d itio n o f a h o te l, is given as: "A public house fo r the entertainment o f t r a v e le r s ; a place where meals and lod gin g are obtained by a l l proper persons who chance to v i s i t i t , ” "At common law the p ro p rie to r o f an inn is required to accommodate proper persons w ith in the cap acity o f his house". I have been advised that the h o tels at Las Vegas are not servin g meals re g u la r ly . I do not know whether i f any one went to one o f these s o -c a lle d "h o te ls ” they could g et a meal, but i f not, I should say they could not maintain th e ir standing as h o te ls . I s th ere any le g a l d e fin it io n o f h otel? Yours tr u ly , ( Signed) H. I. BET'T) V ice Presiden t, CG -Mr. ¥. R. Brack en