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Los Angeles, August 23, 1926* 9 2 1 5 -Hr 57 Mr, Charles Adams: I am en closin g a jp r o v a l copy o f f u l l y executed deed to F ir s t State Bank o f Las Vegas, Hevada, I n o , , coverin g land a t Las Vegas, the tra n sa ctio n having been covered by s a le s agreement w ith the Hawkins Land & V oter Company, con tra ct Audit Ho, 01557, The o r ig in a l o f the document was sent to Mr, Bracken August 12, fo r de liv e r y . In sending the papers to us, Mr, Bennewitz stated th a t "the second page o f th is deed has been revised by me in aecordanoe w ith Mr* P e t t i t 's l e t t e r to me o f July 2 3 ," A ft e r assign in g audit nusiber, I understand you w i l l arrange to f i l e the approval copy w ith the A u d itor, k in d ly advise th is o f f i c e and Mr, Bracken audit number assigned, forwarding t o the l a t t e r an ex tra copy o f the deed as re v is e d , I am also en closin g an extra copy o f the deed which kind 2y retu rn a f t e r r e v is in g i t in aecordanoe w ith the approval copy, and a t the seme time please send me an additio n a l e x tra copy o f the revised deed, as Mr, Bennewitz has requested one f o r the f i l e s o f the Hew York o f f i c e . I s h a ll ap p recia te i t i f you w i l l l e t me have the extra co p ies o f the deed as soon as p ra c tic a b le to perm it an e a r ly r e p ly to Mr. Bennewitz. In a d d itio n to the above mentioned papers, th ere i s enclosed a copy o f R esolution o f the Finance Committee o f the L.A.& S,L.B.RiOo, o f A p r il 6, 1926, approving, as a stockh o ld er o f the Ii,V.L.& W.Co,, the sa le o f th is land. C. H* Bl00^ / oc - Hr* W. B. Braokes *1