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v A M ^ a a a o a i, i m . ..aafeZfc Las Vegaa - February 26, 1961 « 18-6-2 Mr. L. a . White: lo u r f i l e 3D 1-8? we sent you with our le t t e r February 6 blank forme and le t t e r from the Fublic Service Commission o f Nevada with regard to our annual rep ort, which should be f il e d with the® net la te r than March 15th, 19^8• X show below the information we usually submit to a ssist In compilation o f this report fo r 1967? 01aaalfl.oatlop„ana-«iaibffr....flif. Cpn»Htt«gg. A. R esidential, • • • • 3. Commercial • . . . . • • • • • 669 G. Industrial . • • • • D. Municipal. • • • • • E. U tilitie s . ................. Total . • • : : : : OonsuiBptl ui during year - 3*696,358,308 gallons, This includes water used by both the Seilroad and la s V#gas land and Water Company. (Note? Consumption by cla ss ifica tio n s is not available as meters are not used,} Separation o f Revenues5 A, Metered sales to general consumers - None. 3, Flat rates sales to general consumers -$162,556,95 C. Other water utilities - - - - - - - - - 10,175* «7 D, Miscellaneous municipal sales - - - - - Z .8 6 1 .5 3 *i?5,5«.15 (Conforming to Item numbers on Page 13, ^General S ta tistics*} 1. Scarpa o f water supply? Artesian wells and three springs, 1. 2 G a llmolnlssM,('AM*c t'u a l prod, uction f_rom a ll sou rces,) 3, Total water numned or diverted from stream? Hons 2. HfffAwpj-. 5 1 6 ,1