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m VEEA& NEVADA CHAMBER # 1 COMMERCE WATER DISTRICT A "MUST” VOLe IVa NO® 12 October 6a 1948 Most of you have read the coverage given in the Las Vegas Evening Review Journal to the proposed Las Vegas Valley Water Districts Whether Las Vegas develops and expands as is our wish depends on the answer to the question — will there be ample water supply for such expansion? W® have only started to realize the potentialities at the Basic Magnesium Plant and the amount of water and power that is available will mean much in the final planao All.of this means one thing — on October 19th a special election will be held to determine whether a water district will be created to assure ample water supply and to choose the electors who will administer such district, if established,. Be sure you are among those at the polls in this special election,, NoEoPoHo October 3-9, inclusive,, is designated as RATIONAL EMPLOY THE PHYSICALLY WEEK HANDICAPPED WEEK® The purpose of this! program is to enlist public interest in promoting full employment of the handicapped® This officially designated period is to focus attention to the year * round program in which every employer has a duty to participate^ - Drop in at the local office of t he Nevada State Employment Department or call 513® Here you can find out why it°s good business to hire the handicapped® CONCERT The Community Concert Association of Las Vegas announces its annual drive SEASON for the week of October 11 - 16® Tickets will be on sale at Ronzone8s ^ TO OPEN Department Store0 This civic project brings to Las Vegas the best music ra famous artists, another step in the cultural development of the community® Homer Bunge,, Treasurer,, 1325 Sweeney Street* Phone 2723* can supply additional information ® WELCOME George W® Tilley & ‘William “Bill" Peterson The Wagon Wheel TO — Charles N0 Potts Charles Potts Store for Men Bruc® Sutton Cigarette Vending Halen Hamilton & Peggy Raymond Western Academy o tiw Music & Arts. Leland McArthur A M ® R® Weir Southern Nevada Mortgage Robert R® Thomas Ben W 0 Hutchison Thunderbird Smoke Shop Ro W® Grigg Griggs & Montgomery Ruth E 0 Barron Equitable Life Assurance It is i,he Chambers pleasure to have these people on its membership rolls and it is hoped that they will take an active part in our program® NEXT EAch week promises an outstanding program for the week to follow — this week W|®KfS- is no exception® The program for October 12th will be headed by Alan H 0 Bible, PRO&RAM , Attorney General of the State of Nevada, who will bring a personal message to Southern Nevada® He recognizes, as do most government officials, that it is not only important, but necessary, for the citizens to know what is going on in their governments Mr® Bible will outline the activities of his office, particularly stressing the financial problems 0 CHAMBER Your local Chamber, in cooperation with the United States Chamber of Commerce, RADIO is pleased to announce the Pall radio series LET FREEDOM RING® This Chamber PROGRAM presentation will originate from the National Chamber*s Hall of Flags and will be heard locally over KENO at 9g30 P®M. Thursday evenings® The program for October 12th "Lambs and the Iron Horse," a story of the agriculture service of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, featuring the nationally famous 100-voice B & 0 Glee Club will be a sample of the fine programs you can expect in this series0 Mark your radio log with this program. * * * * DON * T FORGET SILVER DOLLAR DAYS - OCTOBER 15th and OCTOBER 16thI l .»