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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    p r y i l l \ 10. m (Copper) Description 2* ¥ , ...6*... 8« 739 St&tlsm&n Line 1 144 ? 6o HoNell Tract No. 2 701 365 742 Add. Line Alta Vista # 3 158 118 H So. Main St. Line 1137 756 Bearden Tract 802 752 Van Patten Tract 1 1392 764 125 130*6* Carreit Line 119 753 Replace & Relocate 8* Cl? Charleston p e Htvd. 11 802 757 3DHA #6 31k. 1 323 754 Pioneer Kgts. 31k 25 252 759 Acres Add. 164 575 760 Relocate 6* H $ {B ill Moore) 140 762 Connection fo r Heer*s # 1 Total *TB> 504 43300 T$ZO$ M l M l M L 7 5 T W gMuaaattBL* Two, enclosed commit construction, with voodon tops. C&p&oity - 2, 500,000 and 1 , 200,000 gallons resp ectively. Purification.. Syg terns Three settlin g basins, capacity 16 m illion gallons per day. ..During. Year 1. Construeted cooster pumping station at Charleston Boulevard reservoir. h^yt uy^. 2. Erected 300,000 gallon capacity s te e l water tank, -. complete with valves and fit t in g s , on 100* tower. 3. Constructed 2522| fe e t o f additional power d istrib u ­tion lin es and In stalled three transformers. / 6. Installed pumping f a c il i t i e s on Artesian Wells ; ^ 7 /, OSy Hos. 2, 3, 4 and 9, and replaced pimping f a c ilit ie s In w ells Nos. 8 and 10, with pumping f a c ilit ie s being 7 s . .l B 3 ^ C T r ? y ^ t S r i # a s a f e s t / i - / c M stribu tlon . system -/L_,¥.h..&j-- . „-afr> ? _,t - ?" i .~ .n , ... ^ ^ _ _ __? - «? A cquisition o f production fa o lllt le s from Union P a cific Railroad Company. CO 7T ^ //y ^ yC^t-% O/c y^~ L. R. Haag y