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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Annua* Report for Water Utilities, 1$37? Lae Vegas, February 5, 1938* f 13- 6-3 Mr* J» K, Auditor M lsFoi,a laAycscoounn,t s. Omaha, Nebraska, Bear Sirs eel. ved f» ro^m iFpudblloios e Sfeer#v?i#cwei tCh obmlmainsks iofno nosf aNnedv adlae twtheirc hr e— le dated January 3, 1938, for compilation of Annual R©-. p0rt of water utilities-la the State of Nevada for the year 1937, and which report is due by March 15, 1938* For your assistance in compiling this report, f showing below for the year 1937, information similar to that which you requested for l§3a in your 3-189 ©f Saroh 10, 1937, with oorresponding subtitlest x* SlMPlfloation and number of water oonsumarat 5, A* Residential B* Coramerc ial 0* Industrial D. Municipal 1360733 10 ___10 /y? *j- Conatunption during7 year - 938,703,963 gallons. (aNvoatie?l ablCeo,n sausm pmteitoenr bay a roel anaosti uisoeadt,i)ons is not generation of Revenuest A* B. 0. Motored sales to general consumers «* None. OFtlhate r rwaatte ersa ulteisl ittoi egse neral consumers #50.917717,.3530 B, Miscellaneous municipal sales ' ? / ; ' ? • ' ' " ' ' ? ' ~ - S% W L / J? Fftteg. Supplyt 3 artesian wells and a springs* Maximum water 938,703,963 gallons, gfetal wate r pumped or diverted from streamst Sons, later passing down Las Vegas Creek is from Middle Spring and settling basin overflow.