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Mr. Wipprecht: #2. April j§ 1942 here in Las Yegas shut in such wells as are not actually required, therefore this total could not properly be considered under the heading "Maximum amount of water Available " because the difference between this figure and the amount sold leaves a balance in "total water unaccounted for* which would create the impression that such surplus is allowed o run to waste, which of course is,not true as it is confined in the underground channel. For 1939 the figure of 968,071,100 gals, given you for Annual report was received from Division. She figure of 954,584,031 shown in my telegram B-30, March 24, 1943 was secured by adding together the monthly meter readings furnished by Division; however it is noted the deliveries for May, June, July, August, September, October and November were estimated by Division account meter out of order. For 1940 the 1,455,328,971 gala, shown on Annual Report included amount utili'z ed by R.R.Oo., which was 237,918,917 leaving a balance of 1,217,410,000 gals, sold to LYL&WCo., according to report from Division. Our telegram B-30 reporting total of 1,298,949,707 was the total of gallons reported by Division each month with adjustments by this office when readings were obviously wrong. For 1941 the difference of 15,597 gals, between the 1,484,703,397 reported in our telegram B-30, compiled from monthly reports; and the 1,484,687,800 reported in Annual Report was due to disposition of fractions each month in using 7.48 gals, to the cubic foot as cpnversion factor. Yery truly yours, WALTER R.' BklCKEN. n /