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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    September 8, 1944 Hr. S. Lawson General Manager ? / Sou t h e m Nevada Power Company L&a Vegas, Nevada Dear Saat We are contemplating certain additional improvements to our water system, and the ques­tion arises as to the effect the closing of the Basic Magnesium Plant will have on our future population. We have always taken the optimistic view, in fact.a utility must in order to keep ahead of developments, but 1 would like to back up my Judgment with facts. would it be too much trouble to oblige ae with the number of electrical services and telephone services by months for the first 8 months of the current year. This information together with the steady increase in water connections should furnish a reasonable baro­meter of business conditions at least up to the present. Very truly yours,, #AL*ra siuera