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    STA TE OF N E V A D A W . E. WALLACE: In d u s t r ia l Co m m i s s io n e r a n d e:x o c f ’Cio l a b o r Co m m i s s io n e r O F F I C E O F LABOR COM M ISSIO NER C a r s o n C it y Deab Sir : Some time ago a letter and blank were sent you, requesting a brief statement of the wages, hours of labor, and nationality of those employed by you or your company. No reply having been received, the request has evidently been overlooked, or possibly press of business has prevented proper attention to the matter. In this connection, your attention is again respectfully directed to section 11 of the Act creating the office of Labor Commissioner, which reads as follows: Sec. 11. Said Labor Commissioner shall prepare forms and blanks for the purpose of gather­ing the information and statistics required by this Act, and may require any person, firm, or cor­poration to give the information and statistical detail designated in such forms, and any person, firm or corporation who shall refuse to furnish such detail and statistics in the form required shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof may be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars. The desired information has been received already in regard to a large number of the industries of the State; but in order that the labor statistics may be complete and comprehensive, and therefore valuable, it is necessary that the required data be obtained from all of the industries of any importance. The previous request is therefore repeated, namely, that the enclosed blank be filled out and returned to this office at your earliest convenience. In filling out the blank, it is especially desired that the data furnished be complete and comprehensive, and that the writing, particularly of names, be distinct and legible. I f it can be used, typewriting would of course be preferable. * It is desired to have the information commencing with the month of A p r il; but if this can not be given, data covering operations for the subsequent months will be appreciated. Very respectfully, W. E. W A LLA C E , L abor C om m issioner.