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??? ?? •- U S VEdAS UUP AMD WATER COMPACT ; ' 1 ^^ArtT rJF Clikm m IK THE LTD=:Rh -8AUKCE # ‘q^fitTOar Far Ihe Rariod Sauteaber 1. 1952 To June yOm 1951 Conway. Moe, Hibbs & Funston Balance in Construction Advance? Subject to Refund - Ledger Account Ko, 173, per balance sheet of Lae Vegas Lead and water Company ae at August 31, 1952 Add t Per Exhibit B - ‘'action 9(c) additions under the Agreement, which, pursuant to Rule 9 of Lae Vegas Land and Water Company, are to be refunded to sub—dividersi Amounts expended by Las Vegas Land and Water Company against deposits by sub-dividers % 5>,7U$.67 Agreed cost of facilities constructed by sub-dividers $12,936.68 Total Section 9 ( e ) additions— Exhibit B $ 566,682.3$ Amounts withheld frost deposits received from sub-dividers to be refunded in accordance with Rule 9 contracts 5«57lt«56 Deductt Sharing of collections of water revenue in accordance r.lth Rule 9 contracts! Quarter ended September 30, 1952 $ 7,U2o.17 Quarter ended ecesber 31, 1?$2 0,$Q$.6o Quarter ended Marah 31, 1953 7*919*69 Quarter ended June 30, 1953 ii ' 8,632.lt3 Quarter ended September 30, 1953 12,o61i«9li Quarter ended December 31, 1953 10,017.06 Quarter coded lurch 31, 1951t Ut,iillt.lj7 Quarter ended June 30* I951t 10,267*09 Total siiaring of collections with sub-dividers Add: Deposit on Contract &>• 10765, work not started at June 30* 195b Balance in Construction Advances Subject to Refund - Ledger Account Ko, 173, per balance sheet of Lae Vegas Land and Water Company as at June 30* I951t— Exhibit A E??X?H" ?I?B»?I??T? srE.I *1 $ 337*839.1*6 $ 912,096.37 2.063.00 S S3lt.9U.92 i*