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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    E. E. B. MAY 2 4 1954 LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY *s. MAY 25 1954 Omaha *as« ••• May 2 1 ,1954 Mr. W. H, Rousei (CC - Mr.E.E.Bennett-Los Angeles,Calif.) Your file C-39722-2180. As information and for any action deemed necessary, please be advised that Mr. L. J. Loren of the Accounting firm of Conway, Moe, Hibbs and Funston in Las Vegas, Nevada, who are representing the Las Vegas Valley Water District in the audit of our figures comprising the purchase price of the Las Vegas water facilities, orally requested one of my representa­tives, who is assisting in the audit, that his firm, i.e. Conway, Moe, Hibbs and Funston of 440 Hoover Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada, be advised by our Law Department by letter to the effect that, at April 30, 19^4* any litigation which would add to the liability of the Water District} (b) There are no judgments outstanding agal the Water Company not satisfied, which would have to be assumed by the Water District} (c) There are no claims pending against th< Water Company which may be subject to litigation or settlement by the Water District. ^ (a) The Water Company is not now engaged in R. M