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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    &. William Coulthard 1 - 4 - 5 4 validated all bonds authorised or issued under any law existing prior to the passage oi. the School Code, With respect to the Lae Vegas Valley Water District, the 1 9 % Session of the Legis­lature passed an Act (Chapter IJG, Statutes of Nevada, 1949/ validating all proceedings theretofore had in connection with the creation of the District and the organisation at its Board of Directors. Accordingly, it would appear that there is wple precedent in Nevada for the adoption of a bond validating act for the has Vegas Valley Water District. Very truly yours, 0*K£LV£HY & fflfb'Hft gy k) I — ' Franklin T» Hamilton WTH}gv VIA AXft SAIL, 3FACIAL DELIVERY