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fee, ti. ft. IV14R 8 .1954 IAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY Omaha - March 4, 1954 Mr, E. E. Bennett - Los Angeles, Calif,: (CC-Mr. W, R, Rouse, Mr. W. H. Hulsizer, 704-36 £„ ^q B\9\54a Mr. L, R. Maag - Las Vegas, Nev.) This refers to the following L.V.L.& W.Co. work orders covering acquisition and replacement of certain water mains which, will be included with property to be sold to the Las Vegas Valley Water District, and in connection with which donations were involved, as indicated: 742 Acquire by donation, 158 EF of 6* and 118 LF of 8" cast iron water mains constructed by Royes J, Peterson to serve Alta Vista Tract No, 3* (Bill of Sale NID 2651-1 dated August 6, 1953) 760 Replace 110 ft. of 6** cast Iron water main with 126 ft. of 6® cast iron water main in new location on property of W. J, Moore, J*,, Lot 1, Block 5, Desert Park No, 2 completed September 21, 1953, Mr. Moore to bear portion of the cost of Instal- Apparently no provision Is made In the contract for treatment of donations under circumstances such as those covered by these particular work orders, Question therefore arises as to whether such donation amounts charged to Investment during 1953 should be taken into consideration or excluded from figures used in arriving at amount to be added to the basic purchase price covering property acquired subsequent to September 1, 1952, W.O, No, Description Charged Amount Investment Donated ling new pipe line $789,37 $310,00 R. M. SUTT