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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ilil , Omaha - March 22, 195b 199 Mr. Wm. Reinhardtt (co - Mr. P. J. Lynch Mr. W. it* Rouse ~ I K H1 Mr. W. H. Httlslzer Hr. S. £. Bennett «/ Mr. S. It. Butten) X here executed on behalf of UPRRCo., LAASLRRCo. end LVL&wCo. supplemental agreement with Lee Vegas Valley Water District emending Section 1**, paragraph 3* sentence 3 of Agree­ment dated June 1, 1953* covering eele to the Water District of certain land, water rights and water production, storage and transmission facilities at las Vegas, Nevada, to provide that the right of either party to terminate the agreement on 90 days* written notice will apply after May 1, 195**, instead of December 31* 1953, and the quadruplicate originals are attached for fur­ther handling. Also attached are two certified copies and one porta- graph copy of resolutions adopted by UPRR and LAASLRR Executive Committees on March 16, 195**, authorising execution of the sup­plemental agreement, requested by Mr. Bennett in hie letter to you of March 5th, file eO-ll# Assume you will arrange for similar resolution by the Board of Directors of LVL&wCo. Mhsn the agreement has been executed on behalf of the Water District, kindly furnish me details of execution. The original certified copies of the resolutions are being sent Mr. Sutton with copy of this letter. A. I. STODDARD