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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 side of the center line of said dlstribatien sain for Jp eon- etwetien, maintenance, operation ®»€ rea«ml thereof fef the Dietriet* In the event my of said dletrlbutlm facilities referred to in th© preceding sentence are m the vicinity of railroad tracks and railroad operating facilities, memmt therefor shall he In the fans of Exhibit *S**. Without# llioltlng the generally of the forgoing it 1b agreed and finite of way ©wed or olalojd-^hi"^ owned by the flret far ties ae'^Of^Mareh are listed on Ba&lfcit *1* hereto attached, jsiww^hh^i» the reeordimg reference for all of smeh rights of way and tooantfnfea* ^S, (k) Cceenente* fifteen |li| feet in widths except m hereinafter noted, to he granted by the lailroad efeapaniee or their sneeeeeer* in ownership to the Idetfiet fey document or dneaneiite eufeet&ntially in the font of the grant of easement hereto attached, marked Exhibit *f*t for the tone tame tien» maintenance, operation, repair and replacement of the following / 1 existing pipe lines for the ©©nveyaac© of natter# the feeater-liae location of each of which pip# lines it deeerlfeed in said Exhibit *F* and is,, shown %“ solid ret line @n said Ixfalfeit *A*i (k»l) Between points P end Mkj (k-tj Between points 1, f miA #§ |h-Bjs Hi tween points F and l, and l and If (k**4| Between points It and M, £0 feet in witthj (k-il Between points 1 end #, and I and f f (k-hj Between point# JI and % U