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    f n 1 ff mmm ? I ? i !S|p|g Mr. L. R. Maag * Los Angeles - November 20, 1953 80-11^ nip* t> - Las Vegas: Referring to your letter of November 19th, your file W-26, attaching drafts of Invitation to Bid, Proposal and Bid, form of Contract, and form of speci­fications: Prom a legal standpoint, I do not see any objection to the drafts submitted, but I think this is primarily an engineering matter, which subject you are more familiar with than I am. As you know, the Engi­neering Department presumably has had considerable experience in sending out invitations to bid on all kinds of Jobs, and I suggest you get in touch with that department if you think you need any further information. I also suggest that after you have finally satisfied yourself as to the form of the bid and the proposal, that you take„it up with Mr. Montgomery's man when he is next in Las Vegas, after we have received a reply to our letter criticizing their demand that we secure bids. I think if the District is the one who wants the bids, their advice should be secured as to the nature of invitation and form of proposal. The contract attached is our customary contract, and I assume the specifications are the ones we have hereto­fore used* and, as I have stated, from a legal standpoint I have no suggestions to make. E. E. Bennett EEBsps