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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V Los Angeles, January 31, 1933 Mr* B. H. Prater; Please refer to your letters of January 11th and 31st, relative to water furnished has Vegas Land and Water Company, at Yermo, California; All meters, stop and waste cocks, and necessary pipe lines outside of property line of users, have been installed under Work Order Authority 206* Contracts have been signed on the part of users and these contracts should be in your hands in a very short time for your approval and signature* Instructions have been issued to Water Service Depart­ment to m aintain, repair and renew meters, stop and waste cocks, and pipe line outside of property line when necessary. Agent has been instructed to read all meters on the first of each month, so there will be no necessity for estimating the water consumed. 19-lb A. L. Goey