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• a - $&4l»ItfU.05 562*01 7,061.16 tfXWt 1TEM8 TO BE DEDBSIBDl see. 10(a) Unrefundsd amounts te refw*« as of January 51* *95*% '®6»r <Hm“ Sracts n d t fey L.V.L.4 W.Co. fw additions and lo ttw a w ti to ex tan elans o f its said distribution system, pursuant to Rule 9 ° * ^ L.V.L..& IT* Co. or similar rules contained is the Rules and R e fla tions of tits lnT#l«4 Co., pet— viously file d with the Publle 3*rv-loe CosBslssian o f the State of Kevada. per details la ledger to be turned over to the Water D istrict as provided in exhibit 0 o f sontnwt. Sec.10(b) Water fa o llitle e in pleee 1952, retired mb sequent to Septnwer 1. 1958* per details shorn on Dupple-nsntary Statenwat Ho. 2 attached See .10(e) Difference in ledger value on January J l, 195U. e f automotive shop equip* neat and naterial nnd supplies por details sheen on Supplementary Statement Ho, 3 attached. a Sec. 10(d) Advance pay«*ats for credited to Account 261, meeex-leneous Onadjeoted Credits" of the L.V.L.& w.Ce. «a January 31* 195U. for water esrviee, per details on copy of Fern 26, •Monthly Report of Water Service Accounts » las Vegas Office," attached. By Grinnell Coapany of tin P scili.o ,to o ^ e r estimated oeet of d e ta ilin g 6" v a W s^viee connection to bo installed on existing f w t O m la nk" St. (Carried in U d p r A e c »«^ *»J **°r * Suspense.) Cleared by Xcnglsy Construction Co., InelTinvoice Ho. 0168 dated February U. 1956. L.v.L^e S.oo. February 195U vouohor Ko. Z*3*i Total Deductions from basic purchase price Amount due Las Vegas Land and Water Coapeny M E , a, MttitHm to Mto»t dto to * » m ^ --tollable, taxes and escr otwot co.h.a rgee to* bUe p*ro?r_at*e*d* a_n.d apportioned in aooordcnoe with provieions of Sections 6 snd 7 » the eon tract. 22,311«63 JShSSL 6nng»Jfc 12,297,116.1U Oeneral Auditor's O ffice, Omaha, Hebraaka, March 12, 195U*