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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \ 21 go C-39722 Omaha * June 11, 1954 Mr. St 1# Bennett (lee Angeles): (ee * Hr. At 1* SteUuNi Mr. R. Mt Sutton Hr. Weu Reinhardt, lee Angeles. Calif. ana water company and las Vegas Talley Water Distriet.assiga-lag to the District tor collection only amounts unpaid, as of the sale date for conveyance to the District of the Water Company’s distribution system at las Tegas, for mater furnish­ed under Rate Item 21 fer air-conditioning, refrigeration, ice-making end ether eimiler equipments This proposed agreement is satisfactory and I hare ne objection to the proposed execution on bohalf of the Water Companyt if Mr. Stoddard is agreeable.