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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LAS VEGAS LAND AND HATER COMPANY List of original document a to be delivered by Las Vegas Land and Water Company to Las Vega3 Valley Water District, in accordance with. item 1(c) of Exhibit BGB of Agreement dated June 1, 1953* covering sale of water production, storage and distribution system, at Las Vegas, Nevada, to Las Vegas Valley Water District* (Rule 9 Contracts) Date of Document P a r t i e s 6-16-45 11-22-46 L*V*L*A W.Co.aud Biltmore Homes, Inc* Biltsaors Homes, Inc* to A* E* Tiffany and 0* A* Bell 9-11-45 do Franklin A Law Realty A Development Co* ls-io-45 11-22-46 do Mastereraft Homes, Inc * Mastercraft Homos, Ino* to A* E« Tiffany and 0* A* Bell 5- 7-46 7-16-47 do W* W* Cantrell W* W*Cantrell to M* E* Ward 5-7-46 do F* A* Gibson 6-15-46 do G* C* Metzger 5-29-46 do McNeil Housing Company 7—16—46 do Harry Mack 7—29—46 do W* 0* Wright and Residents of Woodland Park 2-25-47 do Merl Van Lydegraf 5-12-47 do do 3-10-47 do W* W* Cantrell 3-12-47 do Bonanza Lodge 9- 1-47 do Clark County, Nevada ll- 6-47 do do 10-30-47 do Jack Wollenzien and A1 Wendelbo® ll- 4-47 do A* M* Southard dba Southard and Downey 12-19-47 11-21-49 11-25-50 do do do A*M*Southard to Natl*Ioe Co* of L*V*and Milton W* Keefer Natl*lee Co*of L*V*and M*W*Keefer to Luceille A*Southard 11-17-47 do Horace and Harold Shidler dba Horace Shidler A Son 12- 5-47 do do 11-28-47 do Frontier Improvement Company 9-20-48 do do 12- 4-4? do C* Van Patten dba Desert Construction Co* 1-30-48 do D* B« Woody 4-20-48 3 - u - ^ do Estella C* Beam (Estella C* Beam to Thomas T.Beaia-U*S*Dist*Court Case 44959 (Thomas T* Beam to Kay Howard 5- 6-48 do S* M* Palior