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    % US mm Um All M » COMPANY Statement showing amount due f o r Water Production, Storage and D istrib u tio n System o f th e Las Vegas Land and Water Company a t Las Vegas, Nevada, as determined in accordance w ith p rovision s o f Contract Audit No. 10682, dated PHIS ITEMS TO BE ADDED* Additions and Betterm ents, as provided in See* tio n s 9( a ) , 9(b) and 9(e) o f c o n tra c t, per d e t a ils shown on Supplementary Statement Nof. 1 attached* S e c .9(a) Payments made and c o s t o f m aterial furnished by L.V.L.& W0Co« t o con* tr a c to r s f o r work performed during the p eriod , September 1 , 1952 to and in clu d in g June 30, 1954? fo r the con stru ction o f a d d itio n s and betterments t o and extensions o f the water f a c i l i t i e s # 7 1 289,41 amounts expended by LaV .LQ& Wo0oa during period September 1 , 1952 to and in clu d in g June 30, 1954, fo r th e con struction o f add ition s and betterm ents t o and extensions o f t io n s , amount $18, 918.36 per sup® plementary statement No. 1(a ) atta ch ed , during the period September 1 , 1952 t o and in clu d in g June 30, 1954, fo r ad d itio n s and betterm ents t o or extensions o f i t s w ater facilities constructed by others under con tracts made pursu® ant t o Rule 9 o f the L.V.L.& WoCo. on f i l e w ith the P u blic S ervice Commission o f the S ta te o f Nevada and conveyed by sa id others t o the Balance as o f June 30, 1954, per S ec, 9 (e)? in Account 113 , "Accounts R eceivable" on the books o f the L.V.L.& ! .C o 0, rep resenting un* c o lle c te d w ater se rv ic e a ccru a ls per d e t a i l on copy o f Form 26, "Monthly Report o f Water S e rv ic e Accounts ® Las Vegas O ffic e " turned over t o Las Vegas V a lle y Water D is t r ic t upon completion o f June 1954 c a lc u la tio n s , (Does not include charges o f $461.28 due L.V.L.& W0 Co0 from customers, covering water f o r r e ­fr ig e r a tio n and a i r conditioning which amount i s assigned to the Las Vegas V a lle y Water District for collection only) 39 929<$4 ..._ ? ir ? , S ervices and m a terials furnished by'u7t;7£3&“...-•••••-t*--— »-*..|.........— | g|gg .4 ^ ^ , Lv. W«0o« in connection with the installation of two 6" Water Taps and Valve Connections for the City of Las Vegas, per their purchase order No* 8571 dated May 7, 1954 and covered by cur bill collectible Depta No0 106, Audit HOo 9736 which remains unpaid as of June 30, 1954 3 0 9 M T o ta l Additions t o B asle Purchase Price T o ta l B asic Purchase P rice including additions , - June 1 , 1953 C a lcu la tio n s as o f S a le Date June 30. 1954 B asic purchase p ric e per S ectio n 8 o f co n tra ct $2 500 OOOoOO Sec,9(b) C ost o f lab o r and m a terial and other the water f a c i l i t i e s S e c .9 (c ) Amount charged t o investment account by L0V .L o& W„Go. excluding dona- 774<41 L.V.L.& W.Co. 568 682,35 a s provided under Section 9 of Contract $3 180 985.09