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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 issued to Las Vegas Land and Water Company author­izing the appropriation of 2.26 cubic feet of wa­ter per second for municipal supply and domestic use from a water well known as Well No. 11, which said Certificate of Appropriation was recorded Jan­uary 28, 1948, in Book 2 of Water Appropriations, Page 102, in the office of the County Recorder of Clark County, Nevada. (d) The following existing pipe lines for the trans­mission and distribution of water and existing wire lines now owned by Salt Lake Company: (d-l) 12-inch cast iron and l4-inch trans- ite pipe line shown by broken black and white lines between points marked KK and LL on Exhibit "A". (d-2) 24-inch and 16-inch cast iron pipe line shown by broken black and red line between points marked A and E and by solid red line be­tween points marked E and G on Exhibit "A". (d—3) l6-inch transite and 16-inch cast iron pipe line shown by broken black and red line between points marked A and K and by solid red line between points marked K and M on Exhib­it "A". (d-4) l4-inch steel and l4-inch transite pipe line shown by broken black and red line be- 1 0 .