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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ty Becorder of Clark County* Havana. (o-10) that certain Certificate of Appro­priation bearing So, 10S6f and Cer­tificate Meeert So, 3090# Book 10* 3090*is- i«€ to Las Vegas Load, and water Company author­ising tii© appropriation of l.fl cubic feet of wa­ter per second f or munlci$al simply wl domestic use from a water well known m Well So, 9* which said Certificate of Appropriation was recorded January .ft# IptB, in Book a of water Appropria­tions* Page ICO* in the office of the County B»- eorder of Clark county* Meyale, (e-11) Shat certain certificate of Appro­priation tearing Application So. 10870 and Cer­tificate Record Mo. 3091* Book 10* Page 3©fl*As- mad to Las Vegas Land and Water Company author­ising the appropriation of three emtio feet of wa­ter per second for municipal supply and doiseatie use fro® a water well known as Well Mo. 10* which saM Certifies ate of Appropriation was mmmM January gS, 194®, in Book i of Water Appropri­ations, Page 101* to the of flee of the County leeorder of Clark Cornfey, Mevada. (e-18) That certain Certificate of Appro­priation hearing Application Mo. Hf4f and Cer­tificate of leeord Mo, 3098# Book 10* Page 300ft* 1