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    1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 bearing Application M©. 19197 ami Gnrttfleat© Record la* 967** Book 8# Fag# 99f4# isaae* t© i»rs Vegas land tag water C®mpom$ authoriatng th® appropriatifm «f 2*7 ©wMe feet ©f water par «®e©*»i far *smi«ip&l supply tag 4«M©tti« |w|Mii fvtm a water wall knows as Mall 1©., t* «hi«h said Certi* fleet® ©f Appropriation waa mhvM danaary *9* 19**' it Book 2, of Water Appropriation©* tag® 10, la, the ©ffie© of the eomty fttaarger of Clark county# K®rmda. (e-k) That eertain, ceritfieate of Ap­propriation bearing Application if®, Wk*$B and certificate fteeord M®. 2ti®, leete f* fag® tit®, issued t© tei V«gaa m& V tar company tathariti'tg the fe^p©p»latioa ef a* IS eahle feat ©f water per aeeoad far mmte.lpa.1 supply tag g«moitit jrarvoftit fraa a water wall kamm m wall x©. which ©aid Certi­ficate ©f Appropriation was reoerdei January 11# |§&§# Am M tJ of Water Appropriation©, tag# IB, in the office of the Cottmty lee-order «f Clark cesmty* Mil# {#-§) -that aertaia Cartlfiaaga af Ap­propriation hearing Application HO. 19996 an# can't if leak* i®. fftaf# 9* &