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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DHAPf MAH, 1% 1953 mw mmwm, wm mm_______j day of_______________________* 1953# fey MS mmXM * rni LAKE and it® leasee, vmm PACIFIC EAIUIOAD CQHPAinr, Utah eorporations, IAS TOM IA8D AH) VA3SR SOKPAHf, a Mevada corporation (hereinafter eolleetlw»ly called "First Parties ), and IAS TOM VALLS? M«m DISTRICT, cre­ated and existing pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 167 of the 10? Statute® of IJevada as amended fey Chapter 136 of the lf%9 Stat­ute® of Nevada and as amended if? Hunter 36? of the iff! statute® of Nevada, Second Party (hereinafter sometimes called ’’District”). memos Lea Angeles tk salt Lake lailro&i Company i« hereinafter sometimes called ’’Salt Lake Company, Union Pacific Bailnoad Com­pany la the lessee and In possession of all of the properties of the Salt Lake Company and la hereinafter sometimes called 'mien Pacific", said tee railroad companies are collectively sometimes hereinafter called "Bailroad Coss>a»ie», and Las Tegas Land and Mater Company is hereinafter sometimes called “Mater Company . Keferenees herein to the property or accounts ©f the la­ter Company are limited solely to the property or accounts used in connection with the operation fey the Mater Company of a water de­partment at Las Tegas, Nevada, for the distribution of water as a public utility, fhe District desires to purchase certain water-bearing lands and water production and transmission facilities now owned and operated fey the Bailroad Companies as non-utility facilities and the water distribution system now owned and operated fey the 1*