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Mr* V« 8* llulelser a . April 21, 1953 or distribution £m 1UI1m a t taa M i he ?••** «*» proparly be tonad over to the M strtet upon the eal# date* M ill he also please advise Mia visas with w * apeet to furnishing copies of records, fell© originals H Wj&sfe wo are not w illia s fe© fwmtah* Ala© w ill he advise his views as to the extent to ©men we should permit the D istrict to have inspection of records, the originals ©r copies of which w ill net be famished to the D istrict* Ife a lg h t to possible to sa tisfy a large port ion of the D istrict1© request ay a contract obligation to allow inspection wifehia a X l*it- #4 period after the sale date #f certain types of nsc-arts* I should nice to have the r e p ly con tain a s p e c if - i s l i e t ©f records because i f m agree to fa m is h any records* i t i s ny b e lia f th a t we should s p e c if i c a lly mention l a the co n tra ct the records which w i l l he fu r* ttlshed e it h e r in o r ig in a l fo r a o r copy fe r n and the spec i f i c records which we would perm it to so in sp ected a f t e r the -sal© date* M ill Messrs* fo rtiu s# garden and Adamson d iscu ss t h is p r e c is * w ith each other and fu rn ish a s w ith a l i s t of the en gin eerin g record s la t h e ir p ossession which they f e e l should ©e p rop erly turned over j g the d i s t r i c t in e it h e r o r ig in a l o r copy f o r * o r those records in th e ir p ossession which they would p en u lt the M e t r ic s to in spect* W ill Messrs* Jurdsa and S altlt a ls o fu rn is h m w ith s im ila r inform ation concerning the op eratin g records re fe rre d fee in the attach ed recp est o f the M a t r i e t . t i l l Mr* f a t e s p le a se fu rn ish as w ith hi# views concern in g the documents and records p erta in in g to casements end r ig h t s o f wey which c a n 'm turned over to the P ie - trlefe in e it h e r o r ig in a l o r espy f o r * o r which he tfclafca I t i s proper to a llo w the M a t r i e t t o in sp e c t. I should a p p reciate cem en ts proapfcly because d is cu ssion s are going on w ith the a tto rn ey f o r the M a t r i e t