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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 00. t© the rat© of discharge, t© which you testified that the rate of discharge increased materially up to the year 10#§ is that correct? A. From 102 and froa 103 to 106, there was a material increase. 9. And directing your attention t© Figure 2, is that a population chart there? A. That** correct, Q, And as a natter of fact, doesn’t the rate of discharge increase proportionately to the rate of increase of population? A, Hot necessarily, Q. According to the chart? A, The population, of course, included the Las Yagas Army Base out here, and I testified that that brought in an increased use of water, and th# population also included the rural area which caused the increase of the use of water hut the main reason for th© incrosso was pumps and th© deeper sene water, Q, I am not asking for the reason. Didn't the rate of use of water increase proportionately to the same rat# of in­crease of population, according to your charts here generally? A, That's true, yes, 9* So that if the population increased from 106 up till the present time, which is the last period covered hy your re­port here, then the use of water would necessarily increase pro­portionately, A, That's correct, as far as domestic use is concerned. 9* directing your attention to Page 86 of the Beport,