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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Q, Have yen any suggestions, Mr* Shamberger, as a eater engineer, as to hoe eater night he conserved in Las Vegas City? A* There could be considerable eater conserved, of course, if it eere possible to Install meters. Our office, as far back as 19M+, at public meetings here, hare recommended that the people sponsor a movement to repeal prohibitive legislation, as far as Las Vegas eas concerned, in relation to meters* Me said at that time that ee felt that installation of meters might mean a saving during the summer of twenty to 25 per cent} that, of course, is merely an estimate, and X would still use that figure. q. You heard the testimony of Mr. Reinhardt, didn’t you? A. 1 did. Q. That by the Installation of motors, there was a saving ot 27%* by actual experience, in Tucson? A. That’s right. Q* And that, you state, would reduce the consumption by about 27% •• three to three and a half million gallons a day in Las Vegas? A. It could be, in the peak demand in summer when the use was great for irrigation. Q. And, in your opinion, would that to any extent, or at all, remedy these shortages you hoard about, in Las Vegas and in the outlying district? A. It would alleviate the condition as far as the amount of water was concerned, certainly. Q. Do you think that the installation ©f some sort of pumps in some of our wells would tend to Increase the water production? ---------_--------------------------------------------------------- 157: