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I agree.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 iPf *hewn after about 19^2, in the nmlsm of wells and the discharge of wells? Am That ean be ascribed to several things, of course, during that period there was a great Increase In population! the Army Base coming out here also during that time, and for the first tine pumps were used in the Taller* There was a material amount of water pumped, and also wells were put in which penetrated deeper areas that had been mere or less unexplored up to that time, Q, feu heard Mr. Robinson’s testimony, did you not? 1, its, sir. Q* Bo you agree with his testimony with respect to the rates of recharge and withdrawals ef the las Vegas Talley Basin? A* I de, t* And your opinion at the present time, And I believe he testified from about 19M>, there has been an Increase In overdraft on that Basin, with the exception of 19*f8 and 19^9. A, That’s right. Q. Bow, in your opinion, If that should continue, would It necessitate the City of las Tegaa or the las Tegas District going to some outside source for water? A* It would. And if they didn’t go to seme outside source, and didn’t get water from that source, what would be the position of the State Engineer with respect to the production of water In the las Tegas Talley Basin? A, In answering that question, Mr. Bennett, 1 would like