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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 its* A* The amount of recharge, as determined in there, is an annual recharge, and is based on long term records, and there has been no change since 19M&, In the matter of the discharge, there has been an inventory made each year through 19*+9» Q. Are yon familiar with that inventory? A. Tes. Q. Could you state the amount of discharge, measured and otherwise, in IfMI and 19**9? (Witness examines papers in his brief ease.) A* I seem not to have the inventory for 19^7. Q* My question is directed to 19^+8 and 19^9. A, the 19^8 Inventory shows Mf,7l8 acre feet, Q. Is that measured withdraws!? A, That’s measured in large part. The flow of seme of tho wells was estimated. That inventory Is limited to the discharge by wells and springs, Q, And then, do you have any information with respect to the additional unmeasured withdrawals? A, Wo* if you have reference to the water discharge by plants and soil evaporation, 1 do not* Q. In your opinion, would the figures you gave, from f,000 to 0,000 acre feet of unmeasured withdrawals be a reasonable figure for IfMt? A, I haven’t made any studies or observations since 19**0. My answer would be that they would be essentially the same, with the exception of the areas that may have been growing plants that are now cleared, and also having had a reduction in pressure-head,