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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Q. There’s a proposal! project to bring is additional water fro® the outside, A, They created the las Togas Talley District. They are working on plans t© bring water in from Henderson, Q. Bo you hare any infomation as to the soonest possible date that any water would be available? A, They have a bond Issue, and if it is voted and if they sell their bonds— which I doubt from former experiences— and if they get their materials, it will be close to twenty-four months before they can get water from the outside. Q, That1s a minimum? A. Tes. Q. Then you will have two more seasons of shortage before they can supply it. A. Tes. Q. Do you know if there is any additional water that could bo made available to the City of Las Togas? A. I don’t know that, I only know that every time they need water on the Strip, they put down additional wells, and they are taking our water away from us. I think the City can take away the water from the strip. The Strip doesn’t worry about us, and I don’t know why the City should worry about them. Q, Are they served by the Water Company in any way? A, So, they are not. CROSS-mMINATXOW BT MB. R&jfICgi Q, Mr, Cragln, as the Mayor of the City, you have been in­terested in water conservation for at least the last two or