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upr000064 121


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Original Shoot tem&imLmt, wm. 'Mm SliM * Pan tinned iwrii ©* until the Mi amount tea been ulSAl, ittlehorer oeonre flnl* *£• Steatj^miigi^aag * Mtatei eharge® till be pm* $M adfoneo* tm eaeh tapping of water ails, to bo paid by M ©oner or oonsuaor ordering the oanet 3/4* ooaiieotion, with service lino extending froa nU to property Ub«i not exceeding ton foot* $16*00* 1* connection, with eexvtoe lino extending free aaln to property line* not exceeding ton foot* #20*60* Kxtenelone In exeeee of ton foot* ssp to ana Including fifty foot* to bo paid for on the beei* of actual cost pint 10# for aaporelslon ana overhead* too eettnated ooot to bo advanced at tine 4bf application. rerasxng m or or eoaorng to neliver eater to a eonaoner if any part of ttso eon®aaer*e service appliance® or apparatus ehall at axiy tint ^ bo unsafe* or if tho utilisation. of voter by mean* thoroof shall bo I prohibited or forbidden trader the authority of any lav or ramtelpal ordinance or regulation <nntii am law* ordinance or regulation ohall bo Ooolaroa invalid by a Court of competent Jurisdiction)* and nay roftsao to eerve until tho oonannor shall pat such part In good and cafe condition and comply with all tho lava* ordinance® and regulation® applicable thereto* H® Company dooa not aoonno tho duty of Inepeeting th#- ooliflanor*# service appiianeoo or apimratoo or any part thereof and tho Company ahall have the right ol leaned by. daOhMhBtgar