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upr000064 119


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    ? ?*n ll ^l*&stla?L.;Cog. Oameotlon to Palp * All appUoations for installation of ssrtioos for enter mist be nisi# at the office of the Lao P#®es Land and Water Company. She applicant should present deeorlption of the property to be ©erred inoUtding subdivi­sion, Bloofc and Lot* and purpose for vhich the eater *111 be need* He person except an authorised employe© of the letter Company *m be permitted to cake any oonneotion to eater mains or distribution pipes of the Hater Company. . 3* mails of Mile * Charges for eater eervioe sHH be due and payable on the first day of eaeh month for eater furnished during the pretiou* aonth. 8. i^ellnauent Mile * if aoid chargee ore not paid by the iith day of the nontti in ehlsh they boson* due they shall became delinquent. Sotioe of met dslinquenay eill be given to the eon- earner personally or by sail and if the amount of suoh eater charge* is not paid eithin 5 days from the date of such personal notion or el thin 0 days fron the date of nailing euoh notice, the Colony eill discontinue the eereiee to sueti delinquent eonsmmr until said anount is paid together elth the reeoimeotlon charge herein pro* tided. A eoneuser’s eater service nay be discontinued for‘non* paynent of a bill for eater eereioe rendered hin at a previous location sorted by the company, provided said bill Is not paid eithin 30 days after presentation at the nee location. looted jff JLL fa* — ^ffsstlve