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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    4. Classes of Consumers * Where two or more classifica­tions of consumers are served toy one service* each classification will bo separately rated. 6. PIsoontlnuanoe of Chargee • Water rate® will too ohargef. for all eervloes whether the premises are occupied or not until service shall toe* in writing* ordered di soon tinned. 6. Owner Charged - Charges for water service will toe ma&o against the owner of the premises served. 7. HeBurning Service * then service Is discontinued pur­suant to Hales 3 and 6* it will not toe re-estatollshed until all de­linquent oharges are paid* 8. Emergency Shat-Offe * the water Company may shut off water* without notice* for the purpose of asking repairs or exten- sione. _ 9. Service Lines - dll service pipes extending from mains to property line* with proper out-off* shall toe inetalled and main­tained toy fcad at the ^jjwtse of] the Water Company. OF Rvt~e * 7'A''C 9-A. Hev/gxtenelons - Whenever an appUeation for water <^p eerviee is received which will require the Company to extend its water mains ®f eerviee pipeelmore than fifty feet, |exclusive of the \service pipe of eaoh $fe#m in. iftale""9"of\ isTTthe /customer or customers] Appl this *s Hules shall eater into a contract to advanoe suffiolent money to cover cost of making such extension, the amount advanced shall toe refund­ed quarterly to the applicant^ advancing same at the rate of 60# of the revenues received fro® such installation for a period of tea it kin Issued Effective, ndenjaraj.! Manager