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    Hr* E. E* Bennett #2 Suggest Buie 9 be changed to reads *9# Seryioe bines - All service Hues extending from sains to property line, with proper out-off* shall be Installed and maintained by the V&ter Company, subject to the provisions of Buies 9~A and 10 hereof.41 In order to olarlfy Buie 9-A, X would eliminate therefrom any reference to service pipes as distinguished from water mains, Suggest the Rule he made to read as follows! *9-JU s«r Main Extensions - Whenever an application for water s ervioe is received wbich vill require the Company to extend its water Eiai?^ sore than fifty feet, the applicant shall enter Into a contract to advance sufficient money to cower cost of staking such extension* fhe amount advanced shall be refunded quarterly to the applicant advancing ears at the rate of 50^f, of the revenues received from such installation for & period of ten years, or until the full mom* h&s been refunded, whichever occurs first** Buie IQ - Eliminate words *% to and including fifty feet* from bth paragraph* Buds 1Z - Insert the words "ConstsBerS using* after word "to* is second line* Rule 13 — Insert words, "without the company* consent* after the word*8onsumer* in line three* Bide 16 - Substitute words* "Schedule of Bates11 instead of, •filed tariff" in line two* While these attested change^ are not important, they will serve to clarify the Buies and avoid controversy with the pahlie in their future application* A* M* Folger