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Illo*m and may rat*** to serve until the consumer shall pot noth part In good and safe condition and comply with all the lavs, ordnances and regulations applicable thereto. the Company does not assume the duty of Inspecting the consumer* a service appliances or apparatus or any part thereof and assumes no liability therefor. 12. Pee of lonrooer Appamtoe-or Jtoallanoee - the Company may refuse to famish eater service to consumers using apparatus or appliances, the operation of ifeieh mill be detrimental to the eater servloe being famished fey the Company to Its other oonsaasrs In the Immediate vlelnlty or sailed fro* tile seas dlstrlfeatlon system, and the Company may refuse to oontlnae foml idling eater to any eea- saner eho shall, after feeing notified fey the Company to dlsoentlnae the use of eater for eaoh v&tor eppamtae or appllaaee, continues te| aee the sane. 13. wrong Pse of Water * Ho consumer elthoat the Company1 eoneent shall provide eater regularly to any person, company or ©or*| poratlon other than the occupant or oeettpante of the premises of said consumer, nor shall any consumer permit leaks or easts of eats*) 14. noaeoapllanes elth Company1* Buies * If the oonsumer should fail to comply elth any of the Company’s Buies and Begulatlos from time to time in feme, the Company shall have the ri^ht to die- oontlnae servlee to the eonsumer. 15. Servloe Qmrm m In the event servlet to any oonsumer shall fee discontinued as provided herein, only duly authorised employees of the Company shall fee permitted to reconnect Issued fey iuiii i ^TT^Smilhftii'ninninTrjl.MBIIimW General Effective.