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For all connections over 2* | connections requiring extension of service lino of nsf dialer from main to property line In excess of fifty feet# appUoant shall pay the actual ©oat of labor and materials pine 1C$ for supervision and overhead of Install}* lug the eonneetlon and service line extending frost main to property line* Applicant shall pay the above charges* or the estimated ooet of sttoh connections, In advance. ?if* MMy - Whenever an application for eater eervloo lo received vhieh vlll require the Company to extend its eater mains more than fifty feet* exoittelve of the eorviee pipe of eaoh easterner to bo served* the applieant shall enter Into a eon* traot to advene# sufficient noney to never the ooet of making eeeh extension* fhe amount advanood shall bs refunded quarterly to the applicant advancing the same at the rate of S§J of the revenue eelved by the Company from oustoner vhoee eervloo lines oonneot vlth sueh extension for a period of ten years from date of oompletie of such extension* or until the full amount of the advance has been refunded* Whichever occurs first# 11* Unsafe Apparatus * the Compaq shall have the right of refusing to or of ceasing to deliver eater to a consumer If any part of the consumer1 s service appliances or apparatus shall at any time be unsafe* or If the utilisation of eater by means thereof shall be prohibited or forbidden under the authority of any lav or municipal ordlnanoo or regulation (until such lav* ordinance or regulation shall be declared invalid by a Court of eompotent jurisdiction! Issued by Effective. *£13U